Track your community impact

We certify community impact hours for all the good you’re doing

Supercharge your social impact

Our app makes it easy for event hosts to certify impact and collect real-time community engagement feedback at all their events. Now, people who support their favorite causes can certify their impact and earn rewards for sharing the data hosts need to build a better community.

Our fun app makes it easy to certify experiences

Got events, but no data?

We got you.

Hosts invite people to follow their community engagement events


Followers certify impact + share feedback at Hosts events


Sponsors reward people for certifying impact

Who wins?

Hosts prove & improve their engagement. People track their impact, build resumes & unlock rewards. Sponsors support the community.

Everyone builds trust.

Everyone wins.


Save time, money + energy? Improve operations? Build public trust? Yes. Yes. Yes.

Save admin time

  1. Follow feature means no event sign-ups

  2. See real-time data at all your events

  3. No more paperwork 

  4. No more guessing about success

  5. See all your events in one place

Boost internal events

  1. Improve participant satisfaction

  2. Provide safe feedback space

  3. Hear every voice

  4. Friendly competition for rewards

  5. Segment your events

Improve local connections

  1. Strengthen public trust

  2. Build new local partnerships

  3. No more spitballing future engagement

  4. Increase cultural understanding

  5. Attract new volunteers

Glocal Glossary


Our new app. Global + local.

β€œGlocal is the next big thing”


[noun/verb ]

Anyone organizing community engagement..

β€œMy favorite host in London is @Oasis. They host so much volunteering in the UK”



Auto sign up for events so you can check in without signing up each time.

I’m following @Oasis because I want to know whenever they host an event ”


[verb ]

Certifying your geo-location at a host’s event.

β€œ@Oasis asks me to check in to their events on Glocal’s app”


[verb ]

Sharing your experience with your host.

I’m so glad I get notified halfway thru the event to leave an event review for @Oasis”

Impact certificate


Proof you showed up & shared your experience.

β€œI sent my professor a screenshot of my impact certificate from my civic event”

Glocal profile


A profile of all certified impact for people, hosts, and even sponsors.

β€œIncluding my Glocal profile gave me an advantage in my interview!”


[noun/verb ]

Anyone rewarding impact.

β€œ @Lulu sponsors impact across the globe”



Our digital currency. Quechuan word for reciprocating or an equitable exchange

β€œI earned 150 Ayni from volunteering and it unlocked tickets to the upcoming @ChicagoFireFC match!”

Victoria Conner | Community Relations Director | Minot Minotauros Hockey Team

β€œYou have no idea how much time & overhead glocal saves us + it’s so good for the community”


We don’t believe in charging for certifying for impact, or access to rewards, so there is no cost associated. Our freemium plans let you track without expense. Seamlessly add a subscription to supercharge your data collecting.


Track from a single account

500 certified check-ins a month

Non-certified account

Custom 5-question event survey

Event dashboards

Free data? Yes, please!


Track your whole organization

Includes 5 connected accounts

Distribute events across your organization

Customize your events with branded screens

See organization-wide impact in real-time

Advanced 10-question surveys

Purple tick certification badge

$110 monthly + $10 per connected account added


A risk-free way to engage the community


Free to start. Pay as you grow

3 rewards in a 75 mile radius

Pay only when a reward is placed in our wallet

No risk. High reward

$1 when your reward is added to a glocal wallet


Take a deep dive into our digital currency